Return-to-work vocational rehab for medical-only workers' compYou suffered an on-the-job injury that required medical treatment but hasn't forced you to stop working. If you filed a medical-only workers’ comp claim and missed seven or fewer days of work, you may take advantage of remain-at-work programs to help manage the limitations caused by your injury without missing more workdays.

Supporting You on the Job

If you're having difficulty doing your job after a work-related injury, you can contact your Managed Care Organization (MCO) to ask for specialized services to help you continue to do your job. If the MCO determines you're eligible for these services, it will develop a plan, coordinate the services, and pay for them.

Some of the vocational programs that may be available to you include:

  • Ergonomic study. An ergonomic study tries to examine the work environment and identify factors that prevent you from performing tasks comfortably. The next step would be to alter the environment to suit you better.
  • Tools and equipment. The MCO might pay for specialized devices, furniture, or other material that allow you to do your job during injury recovery.
  • Limited work hours. Returning to the job gradually by only working a few hours a day or a few days a week may make it possible for you to do tasks comfortably.
  • On-the-job training. Injury limitations might require you to learn an entirely new position. Your employer may offer on-the-job training to transition into a new role.
  • Physical or occupational therapy at work. You may perform specific tasks successfully if you have easy access to a physical therapist. Treatment may be offered through specific remain-at-work programs.

As long as you have received no workers’ comp wage-loss benefits yet, you should be eligible for workers’ comp remain-at-work services.

How Monast Law Can Help

If you're struggling to do your job after a medical-only workers’ comp claim and can’t get assistance from your MCO or your employer, contact my office to see if I can help. Meanwhile, request a free copy of my book, The Worker’s Guide to Injury Compensation in Ohio, for additional information. We've helped hundreds of injured workers just like you get the benefits they deserve, and we can help you, too. 


James Monast
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Board-Certified Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Columbus, Ohio