workers comp medical exam Ohio

A Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is a performance-based measure of your ability to meet the demands of your job following a workplace injury or illness. These exams are not required in Ohio but can help your claim.

There are plenty of hoops to jump through when filing a workers’ comp claim in Ohio, so why would you want to add more if you don’t have to? We explain when the FCE could be a helpful addition to your comp claim.

What Happens During the FCE?

If you are applying for permanent total disability, I recommend having a Functional Capacity Evaluation. The exam results will bolster your claim that your injury prevents you from ever doing the same work you did before the accident. Your treating physician can request the FCE but would not be the one to administer it. FCEs are generally administered by physical or occupational therapists trained to take the appropriate measurements. 

The specific tasks you are asked to do during the evaluation may depend on the activities required by your job but could include tasks such as:

  • Lifting, moving, or carrying objects
  • Sitting or standing for an extended period
  • Walking on a treadmill
  • Lifting objects of varying weights
  • Bending, kneeling, reaching, or crouching
  • Cognitive tests such as following directions, problem-solving, and communicating

The therapist will collect data on strength, balance, stamina, flexibility, cognitive ability, and pain throughout the evaluation. Rather than deciding on whether you can or cannot return to work, the FCE simply presents the detailed and specific information gathered. It’s considered an objective evaluation of your limitations, and the specialist examiner with the Industrial Commission can consider it in determining your ability to return to work.

FCEs can also help you qualify for a vocational rehabilitation program designed to help workers who cannot return to the work they did before the injury prepare to do another type of work. The FCE can provide medical guidance as to the exact work activity you can do.

How to Prepare for an FCE

The goal of having a Functional Capacity Evaluation is to get an accurate picture of your abilities and limitations. Complete each task to the best of your ability, but do not push yourself beyond what feels comfortable. This is not a “No Pain, No Gain” situation. At the same time, you should not intentionally underperform on the tests either. You need to be honest, but don’t be afraid to fail—it’s not the kind of test you necessarily want to pass! 

For the evaluation, you will want to:

  • Go off any pain medication you are on. Check with your doctor first, but you do not want your performance improved by your pain medication. To be cleared for work, you should be able to perform tasks without pain medication, so take the test that way to get an accurate picture of your limitations.
  • Take a list of medications with you. The evaluator should know about the prescriptions you are on, so take a list with you to the exam. Some medicines could disqualify you from certain types of work, and the evaluator needs to know if that’s the case.
  • Communicate clearly with the evaluator. Tell the evaluator as soon as you feel any discomfort, pain, dizziness, or shortness of breath during the exam. Also, tell the evaluator if you become too tired to continue or simply cannot complete a task and need to stop.

Again, these evaluations are not mandatory in Ohio—but having one in your file could help your case for permanent total disability.

Get More Helpful Advice From Monast Law Office in Ohio

With over 30 years of experience helping injured workers in Ohio get the workers’ comp benefits they deserve, I know a thing or two about building the best possible claim. If you have suffered a debilitating injury at work, contact Monast Law Office to discover how we can help. We will take on the tough cases, and we want to hear your story. Learn more by requesting a free copy of our book, The Worker’s Guide to Injury Compensation in Ohio, then fill out our online contact form or call our Upper Arlington office at 614-334-4649 to get started.

James Monast
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Board-Certified Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Columbus, Ohio