You need a lot of information to win your claim. Our articles explain the many facets of work injury claims one topic at a time, allowing victims to build the best possible case for workers’ compensation. Browse our articles today to get started!
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The Types of Benefits Available to Injured Ohio WorkersThe Ohio workers’ compensation system offers a number of different benefits to injured employees with many types of needs and abilities.
Workers' COMPanion March 2017The Workers' COMPanion March 2017 edition is available! This edition includes spring cleaning tips, a warning about social media, and an impressive case result.
What If My Columbus Employer Tells Me Not To File a Workers’ Compensation Claim?Wondering what to do if an employer tells you to not file a workers’ compensation claim? Read to find out what you can do, and how Monast Law Office can help.
Do I qualify for workers’ compensation benefits in Ohio?Unsure whether or not you qualify for Worker's Compensation Benefits? Read more to find out if you do, and how Monast Law can help.
Who is responsible for filing an Ohio workers’ compensation claim?Not sure who is responsible for filing an Ohio Workers' Compensation Claim? Read about who should file, when, and how Monast Law can help.
Your Options When Your Employer Doesn’t Offer a Modified Return to Work in OhioAfter a work injury, your doctor may approve you for modified or light tasks. However, employers may not be able to offer this type of work. What then?
Workers' COMPanion February 2017Read our Workers' COMPanion February 2017 newsletter! We share important information for injured Ohio workers and what is new in the Upper Arlington office.
Your Options If Your Ohio Workers’ Compensation Claim Is DeniedOhio workers’ compensation claims can be denied for a variety of reasons, but injured workers still may have options to obtain these important benefits.
Workers' COMPanion January 2017Our Workers' COMPanion January newsletter is here! We share relevant information for hurt workers in Ohio and share what is new at the law office.
You May Have An On-the-job Injury And Not Know It - Repetitive Motion Injuries In Columbus & OhioIf you suspect that your condition may be due to an undiagnosed on-the-job injury, contact Monast Law Office today for a free consultation.