You need a lot of information to win your claim. Our articles explain the many facets of work injury claims one topic at a time, allowing victims to build the best possible case for workers’ compensation. Browse our articles today to get started!
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Workers' COMPanaion July 2020Summertime has always been about food and grilling. When I was growing up, my parents had a cabin in Oklahoma that was our go-to summer vacation destination.
Workers' COMPanion June 2020If this isolation has taught me anything, it’s that the other people in my life mean so much. We’re all human, and we’re all in this together.
All Hospital Workers Deserve Recognition and Protection at WorkWhen we think of essential workers in Ohio hospitals, we often focus on doctors and nurses, but other employees risk on-the-job injuries as well.
Workers' COMPanion May 2020Attorney Jim Monast shares about the many joys of pets he's had over the years including a German shepherd Lady and a house cat Sweet Bea.
You May File for Workers’ Comp for COVID-19 If You Were Exposed at WorkAs with other infectious diseases, COVID-19 is only covered by workers’ comp if your job puts you at a high risk of exposure. We consider those jobs here.
Workers' COMPanion April 2020Attorney Jim Monast shares about managing stress through a work-related injury, the possibility of losing your job to automation, and other hard situations.
Workers' COMPanion March 2020March 2 is Read Across America Day, so it’s a great time to assess our reading habits in this edition of the Workers' COMPanion.
Basics of Ohio Workers’ Compensation Prescription Drug CoverageOhio workers’ compensation covers medications prescribed by your doctor, but they require approval, and there are drugs they don't cover. Learn more here.
Workers' COMPanion February 2020Whatever’s on your Valentine’s Day menu, be it beef hearts or homemade fudge, I hope you have a great meal with the one you love!
Accidents Causing Serious Injury Can Happen to Any Ohio WorkerThe most common workplace accidents can happen in virtually any environment. We explain what they are and when you might need to file for workers’ comp.